The Advantages of Boarding School

At certain stage of your life you can not even imagine of living away from your children for as short a while as a week. So it is not an easy decision for the loving parents to send their wards to some far away boarding School, where the child has to stay ten months a year. But you should accept the fact that boarding schools have many more advantages than the normal non-residential schools and hence provide a better and more stable foundation for your child’s career growth. Let us discuss about the unique advantages of a boarding school.

Boarding schools are typically provided with smaller teacher and student ratio and as such, the students get more personalized attention from their teachers and individualized assessments are continuously in progress. As the teachers live inside the campus itself in the residential schools, the students get a 24X 7 access to the faculty and teachers also develop insight about every student’s strong points and short comings. So the students can be motivated in the right direction by their teachers.

In boarding school, your child will develop a sense of independence. The students in boarding school are encouraged to learn the value of self-sufficiency. They have to manage their own day to day tasks themselves including keeping account from taking care of the laundry. This managing of their own affairs makes them more mature and confident. In fact according to the estimates of the Association of Boarding Schools, over 52 % of the boarding school students in latter course of their lives acquire top positions in the management.

In boarding schools, the students get a structured environment. A strict routine is followed throughout the day. Each day has some pre- defined slots of activities like study hour, play time, time for co curricular activities and so on. This strict and consistent routine instills a sense of discipline into the minds of young students. And this sense of self-discipline helps them choose the right direction in their future course of life.

In the boarding school your child also gets to learn about the value of community support. Growing up through the same experience instills in them a rare bonding that stretches beyond the school days. Most importantly, living a community life together teach them how to rise above petty differences and make them more compromising and adjustable.

If you have taken the decision to send your child to a boarding school, you have taken just the right decision. But it is important to make a through research before deciding on a particular boarding school; after all it is the question of your child’s future.

Top Boarding Schools

You have questions... We have answers
  • Q: I read on the website that these schools offer family therapy, but how does that happen when the school is so far away?

    You will participate in the family therapy by phone, and when you come for your family visits, you will then do face to face family therapy.